Beware of Counterfeit Websites Claiming "Amzpay Exclusive Agent"
2024 09-11

Dear Customers and Partners,

We have recently discovered counterfeit websites claiming that "Amzpay is the exclusive agent of PFH Finance Limited attempting to mislead users and obtain personal information. To protect your interests and safety, we are issuing the following announcement:


1. Counterfeit Website Information

Counterfeit websites may use domain names similar to our official website, and their content and format may resemble our website. Please note that these websites are not affiliated with PFH Finance Limited.

Counterfeit website:


2. Safety Recommendations

False Promotions: Counterfeit websites may offer fake promotions or false agency information.

Do Not Provide Any Personal Information: Please do not enter your personal information, sensitive information, bank account details, or credit card information on suspicious websites.

Verify Information: If you have any doubts, please verify with us using the contact information on our official website:

Regularly Monitor Your Account: Regularly check your account activity to ensure there are no unusual transactions.

3. Contact Us

If anyone has provided personal information or engaged in any suspicious activities through the above website, or if you have questions about the counterfeit website, please contact the Hong Kong Police and reach out to us immediately:

Customer Service Email: [email protected]

Customer Service Phone: +852 3188 8902


Thank you for your support and trust in PFH Finance Limited. We will do our utmost to protect your safety and rights.



PFH Finance Limited

11 September 2024